Graphical Version of my mileage log.
I've had a couple of big weeks in a row and hoping to get up over 100 miles this week again.
It appears as though the legend didn't come thru, but the bottom line represents swim converted to miles, yellow is run, and the red is bike. Blue at the top is total miles.
Thursday : CSH Group ride again. 32 miles at a 19 something average.
This ride is getting pretty fast, and I got a little bonky in the hills on the last five miles home.
Friday: Six mile relaxed run with nothing to report but good iPod Tunes. Someday I'll post my wicked pisser play list.
Saturday: Neighborhood pool swim. Here's the W/O
Warmup 200 swim, 100 kick, 100 swim
10 X 50 free drills on :10 rest interval
Mainset 5 X 3 X 100 descend on 2:00, 1:45, 1:30 no rest between
2X100 Kick
Warmdown 20 X 25 on :30
I was trying to race a couple of teenage kids, but hey couldn't keep up with me. ;-)
Sunday: 22 miles solo on the bike. Interval workout
20 min EZ spinning
5 X 3 minutes with 1 min HR Zone 2, 1 min HR Z3, 1 Min HR> 170 beats per minute, 2:30 spin down.
I got up to 27 - 30 mph at times on the Zone 5's. Scary fast on a bike for me. Hopefully the bike intervals will help me go from

To This!!!
Sound like you are really picking things up David! I unfortunately have to take it a bit easy this week to recover from an unfortunat sickness, but I hope to be back at it for the final two weeks until my olympic on june 21st
ReplyDelete- jeff