Over 60 miles for this week so far.
Run 5.4 miles Intervals and 2000 Meters Swimming.
Here's my mile pace times for 1/2 mile runs
7:09 |
7:34 |
8:05 |
7:50 |
8:20 |
I'd like to get to betwee 6:45 and 7:30 for all of them.
Good news is that I'm running more during the recovery rather than walking and puking
Run was followed by a 2900 Meter Swim
400 EZ
6X50 Drill
2 ties thru
2X 200 Pull :20 Rest
3X100 50 drill, 50 build :20 - :30 Rest
3X100 Fast :05 rest
200 Warm down
I was feeling some speed come back in the fast 100's the first one came in at 1:25
Cycle to Work 6 cycle home 13 and felt yucky.
2 Margaritas
Lunchtime Maintenance Run at the Nortel Hilly Trails.
Super Hot, Super Hilly, Super fun, 7 miles
Cycle 30 miles medium to hard effort. Average 19.2 thru some pretty decent hills.
Tonight I pack to go to NY for my 20 yr High School reunion. I can't wait to see the old friends. With a vacation day thrown in tomorrow. Here's what I'd like to do.
Friday.....Swim 6 - 7 AM, Ride 35 Miles with some intervals, Run 4 (brick)
Saturday 10 Miles Running Long and Slow and Easy.
Sunday 4 Mile Track workout at Tuscarora Elementary.
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