Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Much to Blog about, in lieu of training!

I'm taking a self imposed recovery week.  So far a cruise swim practice on Monday for 3000M, Pool Ring Diving with Luis Pablo on Tuesday, and a bottle of wine on wednesday.  Not sure I how to put this week into the spreadsheet....So I won't.    My shin feels like it's healing and another week of rest will be good for it.  And I MIGHT go for a group ride tomorrow, but I doubt it.  I've been sticking to a good diet, and my shin splint is feeling better and maybe another week will be perfect.  

Not sure who reads this, but I've got to say, I felt great about all the great comments, and notes I got related to last week's triathlon.  My Folks (Bridget and Dave), Sister (Aunt Amy), John Ward, Jeff Davis, Billy Crans, KI La Vincent Clair.  You'll all be glad to know that I wasn't thinking of you all when I was trying to avoid pooping my pants thru the 1st 2/3 of my run.    There's some other people I was thinking about!   

In related news.....The Triangle Community experienced tremendous loss last week in the death of  Bruce Rosar+.....He was killed last Saturday in a Cycling / Car accident in Apex, NC (close to here) at a left hand turn.  He was a community cycling advocate, a certified cycling safety trainer, and well known thru out the triangle cycling community.  I was on a group ride with him 2 weeks ago and tho I didn't speak with him, I overheard him actively discussing cycling safety, community planning, and community involvement.    It's clear to me, he's had a tremendous influence and impacted, and SAVED countless lives thru advocacy and education.  And for me, the next time I'm on the road on my bike I'll be thinking of him and the hazards around me.  And for what it's worth... I've started putting my blackberry in my computer bag in the back of my car while I'm driving so I can drive without distractions.  

In other non training related news......

1)  My oldest (some say eldest) kid Liam started kindergarten this week.  It's hard to believe less than 2 years ago we moved back to the states and he couldn't utter a phrase of english except for "That so fuuunnnyyy!"  And now he's already reading  And is a certifiable expert in super heroes from both Marvel and DC Comics.  And he gets his rugged good looks from his Dad!

2)  My college roomate Tom Reed is running for Congress in NYS 29th congressional district.    I'm actually the Godfather of his oldest daughter Autumn, and he's the Godfather of my son Liam.  He was a really fast swimmer but now he's really overweight.  His "media guy" said he's got to drop 40 pounds (to be more photogenic).  I think he needs to grow some hair....Anyway we're proud of him, and wish him the best!  

Here's my schedule going forward......

Subject to change on a whim, or sudden career action, or in general...A better offer that would provide more fun, entertainment, or booze!

Will depend on work, Liam's vacation, life in general.  Tho I have some friends already signed up.  Scott and KI Laclair and John Ward and it would be awesome to race with them.

Trying to get my cousin Sarah to shoot down for this one.......I pay her airfare if she paces 8:30.

Other thoughts....Anyone interested in a bike ride from Raleigh, to Wilmington ~140 miles for a long weekend?

~That's all for now.  Maybe tomorrow I'll publish my I Pod running play list.....Like this dude!

1 comment:

  1. Hey man -

    Thanks for the link!

    It's good you're taking a week off. After my Olympic 3 weeks ago I did as well. I'm paying for it a bit now in the pool, though, but it was worth it (and, like you, bottle(s) of wine were involved ;-)

    I made it through 2500yds last night but had to stop after 1500 and hit the hot tub to get rid of some leg cramps that popped up. I was trying to start using flip turns again and found that pushing off the wall hard every time was causing me issues. Part of the problem was I did a fast (20mph) 18 mile ride during lunch a few hours earlier, and it was hot. But, I'm glad I was able to go back in the water and do a somewhat decent workout for the first time in a while.

    Best of luck with your other races this year.

    I'm also thinking about a 1/2 marathon this fall - to get a reference time for doing a Half Iron Man next year. It's the Baltimore 1/2 on October 10th if you are interested.
