Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekend Update

Saturday....No official exercise, should have been a rest day.  Actually, I got up early and went to finish the deck project I started Friday night.  We finished around 3:30 PM, and I was pooped. I'll count it as a strength and core conditioning session.  The family is Indian, so it must be good Karma!  A couple of souvenirs from the adventure below.

So after a day of hard work, a double scrub in the shower, we scrambled to get the kids bathed and ready for the sitter (who was 1/2 hr late).  We met new friends Oliver and Vanessa Luker in Durham for an high calorie  awesome dinner at Vin Rouge in Durham.  Food and wine were great and so was the company (Oliver definitely "married up!")  And I was asleep by 11:30.

I was planning to do the CSH group ride first thing Sunday but it was raining when I woke up at 6.  So back to sleep 'til 8:30, and what to do.   So I went down to our neighborhood pool and swam in the rain for an hour and a half in 65 degree water.  Here's the breakdown

Warmup   400 EZ, 100 Stroke Drills
100, 200, 100  rest :10, :20, :10
200, 300, 200 rest :20, :30, :20
300, 400, 300 rest :30, :40, :30
20 X 25 rest :10 cool down.

Funny I was the only one in the water, and luckily there was no thunder and lightning!

My weeks run Monday - Sunday so here's the total

Swim 7100 yards  +4000 to my plan
Bike 35 miles  - 30 to my plan  (Bad, Bad, Bad)
Run 15.5  +2 to plan

I'm cycling to work in the AM and it's gonna be COOOOOLD!

That all


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