Thursday, May 14, 2009

Colonoscopy and Swimming.... A winning combination

At 37 years young, I havn't thought of myself as getting older until today.  Of course I have a few gray hairs, weight doesn't come off as easily, and in a few years I'll have my first prostate exam.  But today was quite different.  And not so much related to me but my wife Cynthia.  

My Mother in Law, Guadalupe is a Cancer survivor.  When she was 36 years old she was diagnosed with colon cancer.  Almost 30 years ago they didn't have the colonoscopy technology we have today.  Anyway during my wife's last physical our primary care provider referred her for the exam.  That was today.  Anyway long story short, after a few days of fasting, and all day yesterday of laxatizing and a sleepless last night, she had her exam this morning.  Thank GOD!!!! The doc said everything looked good.  Only one "diminutive" pollop which was removed and all is well.  His point to me was that if there's a family history of this, children should have this scope done up to 10 years younger than the "index patient" (Guadalupe).  So he removed the pollop and said cancer starts with a single abnormal cell.  This may be pre-cancerous, but now it's gone so it can't start from this cell.  We'll test it and go back in another 3 years.  So the message to my Cun~ados is...."GET YOUR ASSES TO THE DOC".  

I'm happy and relieved.  Sorta puts in perspective the Bills not making the playoffs, and Yankees losing at home!

Back to triathlon.......

I went to the OSB multisport masters workout again tonight at the Triangle Aquatic Center.  It was great!  3 swimmers and 2 lanes.  Two masters women showed up and swam circles around me, but I got a special 2100 meter workout while they had to do 3400.

So here it is...

Warmup 400 EZ, 200 technique
2X100 kick / pull  rest :20
3X100 rest :10 (1-Hard / Moderate, 2-Moderate, 3- Moderate / EZ)
3X200 rest :20 (1-Hard / Moderate, 2-Moderate, 3- Moderate / EZ)
2X100 kick / pull rest :20
200 EZ warmdown

I felt pretty good.  I stuck to the rest intervals but rested close to 1 minute between sets.  Everything about the 200's sucked and I need to work on strength and endurance.  Cardio, I felt OK.

So in closing....  Our Gastro Enterologist and his staff were really nice.  Great people and considerate and took the time to explain everything.  They even chuckled at my reference to Cosmo Kramer and an "Ass Man" personalized license plate...


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