Saturday, May 23, 2009

Monday... Memorial Day weekend

Had a decent training week last week.
M- Cycle to work 10 mi
T-  Cycle to work 17 mi, run 4.   (12 mi / bike 4 mile run brick on way home with a 25:something 5K
W-Overslept AM swim practice, but got a ride to work ran home 6 miles.f
Th- AM swim 2700 yards
F- MTB 10 miles
S- Swim 2100 yards, Run in 5K
Su-Cycle 32 miles


Tuesday night, I did my first "Brick" workout.  I took a 12 mile route home cyclin, and immediately jumped into run after changing in the garage.  I ran about 4 miles and did the 5K in about 25: somthing.  So that's a low 8 minute pace.

Here's the workout from Thursday's Swim.

400 Ez
4 X 50 Kick  (Groin pull but more on that later)
4X 50 Drill (Catchup, R down - L Back, 6 kick rotation, finger tip drag)
3 X thru the following
4X100 IM on :15 rest interval  (These sucked as my shoulder flexibiity for the fly has gone to sh*t!
200 Pull
100 Ez Kick

I've been swimming with the OSB multisport  Masters team at the Triangle Aquatic Center in Cary.  It's a small team run by Marty Gaal of OSB Multisport.  For $6.25 a session you get a great workout and a coach.
Wednesday, I got a lift into the office and made an attempt to run home 6 miles.   Not a good idea!  Had a great trail run thru the nortel campus (future lunchtime activity planned here) and then onto Davis Drive.  Which sucked! Hot, boring and Lots - o - traffic.

Thursday Night I hit the CSH group ride .  Hung pretty well with the B group for 32 miles with a 19ish average.   Cycling Spoken Here is a local shop.  They sponsor about15 rides a week and it's a pretty open and fun atmosphere.

Friday, I went mountain biking with my buddy Loucks.  We had a nice 10 mile crank thru Crabtree park.  A local park with awesomly maintained single track trails.  Loucks really let loose on the tail end of the ride.  On the way home on the greenway we were talking about drafting.  I told Loucks to get right behind me and get in my draft.  Just as he was saying  "Wow, that's really cool!"  I stood up and farted!  HA

Saturday, I got up early and went to our community pool for a quick swim.  Then Saturday Night Cynthia and I ran the skirt chaser 5K.  This is a really fun race put on by Skirt Sports' owner and professional Triathlete Natalie de Boom.  The girls get a race skirt and get to start 3 minutes ahead of the guys.  I pushed Gracie and Catherine in the jogging stroller and came in at 30:27.6  - the 3 minutes, my pace came in at around a 8:50 mile pushing 75 pounds.  We had the girls dressed up in skirts.  Cynthia did great for her 1st 5K without any training.  After the race they had a beer garden a band, and a fashion show.  I drank a bunch of this!

Sunday I went on the group ride again.  About 12 miles in my seat fell off so most of the group left.  4 of us finished the ride together, and we had a great time.

Today, I get a day off!

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