On Sunday after a great bike ride, we had some folks over for for a cookout. Great food, great friends, and lot's of beer. A couple of Mexican families living locally. Pilar and Rodrigo, and Beto and Maru. My buddy Loucks came over with his kids for a few hours too. Anyway, Loucks brought over his "Baggo" game. Like horseshoes but you throw beanbags into some flat boards. 1 point if the bag stays on the board, 3 points if you make it in the hole. Play to 21. (Oh and you're required to be holding a beer in your non throwing hand) Beto and I took on Loucks and Rodrigo and the steaks were quite high. Here's what the loser's got to do!
Kind of brings new meaning to Multisport.
So, tired, drunk, and sore, I decided to take Monday off!
Tuesday my plan was to cycle into and home from work, and do a brick workout. I took the longway home 13 miles, and changed immediately. My first 15 steps into the run, I felt a twinge in my left groin from Thursday's Swim practice and those familiar shin splints in my right leg. I immediately turned around back to the house with pride in throat and crow in mouth and took a double dose of glucosamine, advil and packed two bags full of ice. "Live to fight another day!"
So today, Wednesday, I made it up for AM swim practice 5:45 - 7:00.
500 Ez
2X100 kick on :20 Rest
4X 400 Pull on 1:30 Rest
2X100 kick on :20 Rest
4X50 Fast :20 Rest
200 EZ
for 2900 Meters
This Afternoon I did an interval running workout...
2 min HRZ1
2 min HRZ2
2 mini HRZ3
.5 mi on 7:30 pace 4 min RI
.5 mi on 6:08 pace 4 min RI
.5 mi on 6:40 pace 4 min RI
.5 mi on 7:49 pace 4 min RI
In all distance worked out to be 3.2 miles for 40 minutes. I felt pretty fast, but out of breath and heart rate was 170 +. Need to do this more often.
So for the rest of the week
Tomorrow.....Blood work for annual physical in the AM, CSH ride in the PM if no Rain
Friday.......AM Swim Workout, PM Run
Saturday.....Bike Run Brick
Sunday CSH Ride.
P.S. Last night I came to a funny realization. I was moping around for awhile bummed about not getting my run in. We sat down to dinner, and Liam didn't want to eat his beans and rice. He made a comment about not eating food he didn't like. So after getting sent to his room and back down stairs to "Talk!" My wife showed him pictures of children starving in Africa, abuse victims from Zimbabwe, and some other REAL and Graphic atrocities. In the end he cried, and ate his beans and rice. Great lesson for him, better lesson for me. There's lots of people in the world dying for an opportunity to compete. Puts in perspective how fortunate we really are.