Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Night Swim Practice

Great workout tonight....Longcourse

Warmup 300 EZ  50 Kick 50 Breaststroke

4X200 Pull on 3:00 descend (2:50, 2:55, 2:58, 2:57)  No descending here...


2 X  1 X  100 Free on 1:45
        2 x  50    Stroke on 1:15
1 X  200 Free on 3:30
4 X 50 IM on 1:15  (sucked)

1 min rest between after IM's

2 X 4 X 50 on 1:00
#1   25 EZ, 25 Fast
#2  25 Fast, 25 EZ
#3  50 build
#4  Fast

100 Warmdown

2900 Meters

Also John Mitchell came to this workout, and there was another guy (Mike) who swam in my lane.  It was nice to have a pretty good pairing for this one.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lake Placid Iron Man

By the numbers

One:  FINA world swimming championships in progress in Rome.  Havn't paid much attention yet.  Will be interesting to see how Team USA does.  

Two:  Tour de France  wrapped up today.  Lance Armstrong comes in 3rd after 3-1/2 years off.  37 - 1/2 yearolds worldwide rejoice as we're suddenly further from 40 than we think.

Three:  Ironman Lake Placid in progress.  My friend KI 
is doing it for her 2nd year in a row and raising over $2000 for cancer research thru Memorial Sloan Kettering. 

I've been checking her progress and the math I do looks like she's gonna PR  last year's time by quite a bit.  She should be done shortly.  I can't wait to see!

Looking like this right now...

Hours Min Sec
Swim 1 19
T1 9 5
Bike 7 3 50
T2 5 23
Run Loop 1 2 24 22
1 1
Total 11 1 40

Looking like she'll break 14 hours fairly handily!

Four:  My stats this week...  Back at it pretty good.

Monday:   Swim 3K - Meters, Run 3.4 miles
Tuesday:   Cycle 14 miles, 3K+ yards
Wednesday:  Off
Thursday Cycle 28 with CSH crew
Friday: Run 6
Saturday Rest
Sunday Cycle 30.

I did a pretty nice and a little hilly new course with John Mitchell.  An old high school swimming rival.  Turns out we know a lot of the same folks from back home.  He beat me in the Triangle Triathlon 2 weeks ago.  'Nuff about getting beat,  it was  a great course and great ride.

Here's some pics from the Triangle Triathlon a few weeks ago.  Thanks to Oliver and Vanessa Luker.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Cancer Sucks!!!!

Dear FB Friends who run, swim or bike, or like me,

This Sunday, my Friend KI is doing an ironman race in Lake Placid ...AKA Ironman USA....
She's made it her mission to raise $$$ for Memorial Sloane Kettering for cancer research. She was moved to do this as a close friend (cyclist and runner) has been stricken with Pancreatic Cancer.

Anyway she's about $100 short of her goal of raising $2000
To sweeten the pot, I'll commit to match the next donations donated between now and noon tomorrow (limited at $100 since I'm a cheap bastard). That'll guarantee she beats her goal.
I'd love to see you all help her crush that goal!!!

And it's easy...Just go here...

Enter your credit card info...Print your receipt and itemize the cost next year in your taxes.....

I donated $200 today and could bleed another hundy if you all come thru....

Thanks everyone!!!! Cancer has impacted us all, and it sucks!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Night Off...Wednesday

After a solid Sunday, Monday, Tuesday....

We had a friend over for dinner...
And I had a few things to follow up on related to work in the evening...So no exercise today...

So when I do run, here's my play list....

Swell Tunes with a nice Big Head Todd and the Monsters warmdown....



Tuesday, July 21, 2009


AM:  Cycle to work 6 Miles
PM:  Cycle Home 12 Miles for total of 18 miles

PM Swim Practice

400 EZ warmup
6X50  25 kick fly on back, 25 Stroke Drill free


2 X  4 X 100 IM :20 Rest 50 EZ Kick
8 X 50 Free on :45 1st set, :40 2nd set. 50 EZ Kick

3 X 200 Free  (Pull, Pull, Broken 100 :10 Rest, 75 :05 rest, 25 fast

50 EZ warm down

3150 Yards....

coach said "Nice Job!"

Monday, July 20, 2009

Last Week off, training anew......

I pretty much took last week off for no particular reason other than Sloth.

Here's last week's stats
M Swim 3000 Meters.  Not even sure what I did
T 4 Beers
W 1 Bottle of Wine
Th Can't remember
F Beer, and boneless Breaded chicken wings....Double order....too drunk to count how many
S Swimming....Actually goofing around with the kids.
Su Now we get serious....33 mile Cycling Spoken Here ride....18.6 avg with many pulls....10 Miles mountain biking on the tobacco trail pulling Liam on the tag a long.   I actually felt pretty good.

Now It's monday and I'm feeling refreshed....

My shin splint is feeling a lot better.  So I decided to ease into running and get back into swimming today.... My two workouts


5 Minutes Walk
5 Minutes EZ Jog
10 X 1 minutes  Anternate :30 moderate conversational, :30 EZ Jog
5 X 1:30  1 Minute Moderate hard, :30 walk
2:00 EZ Jog
2:00 EZ Walk

for 31:30 of running for about 3.4 miles

Swim Practice....

400 EZ, 4 X 50 Kick (2 w/o board)
3 X 200 Pull :30 rest descend
4 X 4 X 100 on 1:50, 1:50, 1:45, 1:40  ~ 1:00 rest btw sets.( Last set....1:31, 1:35, 1:37, 1:35)
6X50 Alt Drill / Stroke....I did my last 50 Fly....(Just because I'm ballsy!)

3100 Meters

Gonna ride my old steelie to work 6 miles tomorrow and swim short course tomorrow night...

Again....Because I'm ballsy!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Much to Blog about, in lieu of training!

I'm taking a self imposed recovery week.  So far a cruise swim practice on Monday for 3000M, Pool Ring Diving with Luis Pablo on Tuesday, and a bottle of wine on wednesday.  Not sure I how to put this week into the spreadsheet....So I won't.    My shin feels like it's healing and another week of rest will be good for it.  And I MIGHT go for a group ride tomorrow, but I doubt it.  I've been sticking to a good diet, and my shin splint is feeling better and maybe another week will be perfect.  

Not sure who reads this, but I've got to say, I felt great about all the great comments, and notes I got related to last week's triathlon.  My Folks (Bridget and Dave), Sister (Aunt Amy), John Ward, Jeff Davis, Billy Crans, KI La Vincent Clair.  You'll all be glad to know that I wasn't thinking of you all when I was trying to avoid pooping my pants thru the 1st 2/3 of my run.    There's some other people I was thinking about!   

In related news.....The Triangle Community experienced tremendous loss last week in the death of  Bruce Rosar+.....He was killed last Saturday in a Cycling / Car accident in Apex, NC (close to here) at a left hand turn.  He was a community cycling advocate, a certified cycling safety trainer, and well known thru out the triangle cycling community.  I was on a group ride with him 2 weeks ago and tho I didn't speak with him, I overheard him actively discussing cycling safety, community planning, and community involvement.    It's clear to me, he's had a tremendous influence and impacted, and SAVED countless lives thru advocacy and education.  And for me, the next time I'm on the road on my bike I'll be thinking of him and the hazards around me.  And for what it's worth... I've started putting my blackberry in my computer bag in the back of my car while I'm driving so I can drive without distractions.  

In other non training related news......

1)  My oldest (some say eldest) kid Liam started kindergarten this week.  It's hard to believe less than 2 years ago we moved back to the states and he couldn't utter a phrase of english except for "That so fuuunnnyyy!"  And now he's already reading  And is a certifiable expert in super heroes from both Marvel and DC Comics.  And he gets his rugged good looks from his Dad!

2)  My college roomate Tom Reed is running for Congress in NYS 29th congressional district.    I'm actually the Godfather of his oldest daughter Autumn, and he's the Godfather of my son Liam.  He was a really fast swimmer but now he's really overweight.  His "media guy" said he's got to drop 40 pounds (to be more photogenic).  I think he needs to grow some hair....Anyway we're proud of him, and wish him the best!  

Here's my schedule going forward......

Subject to change on a whim, or sudden career action, or in general...A better offer that would provide more fun, entertainment, or booze!

Will depend on work, Liam's vacation, life in general.  Tho I have some friends already signed up.  Scott and KI Laclair and John Ward and it would be awesome to race with them.

Trying to get my cousin Sarah to shoot down for this one.......I pay her airfare if she paces 8:30.

Other thoughts....Anyone interested in a bike ride from Raleigh, to Wilmington ~140 miles for a long weekend?

~That's all for now.  Maybe tomorrow I'll publish my I Pod running play list.....Like this dude!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Triangle Triathlon Race Report

More importantly we've added a child to the family for the next five weeks.

Luis Pablo (9)  is visiting us from San Luis Potisi for 6 weeks for an immersion English exposure. My 5 year old Liam is beside himself with his new "Brother, Idol, Playmate, Punching Bag" etc.  He arrived Yesterday.  I'll be doing my best to send him back to Mexico with a perfect "Upstate NY Hick" accent.  

On to the race....I finished the Triangle Triathlon this morning in the Beautiful Wake County Park.  I got there by 5:30 and had plenty of time to unpack and get settled in.

The race was supposed to start at 7:30 but was delayed like 15 minutes due to traffic.   Since this is my first race I decided to sign up for the Novice Male Group.  Each group took off on 5 minute intervals and mine was 12th (second to last).  

 I lined up with my swim wave as was looking around for some buff guys looking like they could swim good.  I figured I would find a young ex college swimmer and try to draft of them thru the swim.  No such luck.  When the horn blew, we took off and the first jack rabbit was like 250 pounds and took off in the wrong direction.  I just kept swimming for the buoy, and by the first turn 250 meters I was way ahead of the pack. I had caught the wave ahead of me....Mucho trafico for the remaining 500 meters.  Visibility was horrible, so I just started swimming over top of people rather than resort to breast stroke.  I exited the water 1st in my heat and in pretty good form.  The transisiton run was real long.  250 meters from the beach to the T1 entrance and a big enough transition area for 1100 bikes.  I got to my bike, and did a decent job though I sat down to put my shoes on.
 I took off on my bike spinning in a pretty high cadence and felt pretty good.  I hit the first park speed bump and launched my water bottle....(no turning back here).  I rode pretty well for the whole 17.5  miles and was only passed by the relays in the heat behind me.  I was super thirsty, but kept passing bikers the whole way.  My GPS showed I averaged 20.6 mph, and official was around 20.3.  

I came into T-2 really dehydrated and felt like I either had to poop or fart (I wasn't taking any chances here) and my stomach was starting to cramp.  I forgot to undo my shoes and clipped out and lost some time after I stopped to take my shoes off in the transition area.  The rest of the transition was ok except I was really thirsty.   

I took off for the run, and after the first 1/4 mile, I knew I was in trouble.  My stomach was cramping, and I still felt like I could poop any minute.  After about 1/2 mile, I decided to walk some.  I was walking up hills and running down.  Then I started doing 1 minute runs with 30 second rest walks.  Nothing worked, and I was drinking as much H20 in each stop I could find. At about mile 2 I got passed by the dude that won my heat.  I never saw the guy who came in second place (must have been a Ninja).  I started to feel ok around mile 2.5 and then it was too late to make up any time.  I finished at about a 8:40 mile pace.  Which SUCKS!!!!!

Anyway....I'm happy with the swim, ok with the bike but need to improve and really need to work on the run.  Aerobic base, and training are a huge part of this.  I signed up for a running clinic next sunday to get some coaching.  

In the end...174 overall in a field of about 600 men.  3rd in my group (Novice)  I'll need to move up sooner than later.

Major area of focus in the next months will be Brick Transitions, and Running (pending shin splints, since they still hurt)

Also....I was super happy to have my family, as well as Oliver and Vanessa there with me. Cynthia and the kids were there real early and walked into the park like 1.5 miles to support me.  Since we forgot the camera, Cynthia cozied up to one of the event photographers and had the kids start shouting PAPA, PAPA, !!!!!  She remembered us and hopefully there will some nice pics on her website.
I'm really fortunate to have the family support.

So long day.  Next race....Looking at the Trysports series locally.
